BASIconsult: Expertise in Central Asia and the South Caucasus

BASIconsult, in collaboration with locally-based colleagues, offers specialized consulting services to businesses, international organizations, non-governmental organizations, research and educational organizations, policy makers and the media with a focus on Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan.
Consulting is offered in the form of: brief, compact written analyses of current events and developments in your target country; well-founded studies which elaborate a given subject area in line with the terms of reference you lay down for us; practically-oriented expert reports on projects in or involving your target country; expertise “on the ground”. BASIconsult is run by Dr. Bahodir Sidikov.
Regional Studies
Knowledge transfer takes place both in individual coaching sessions and in group seminars. Our experts for specific countries will familiarize you with the most salient political, economic, social, historical and cultural structures of your target country.
Our training can be carried out at any location of your choice in Germany or Europe, or at your own local base in Central Asia and/or the South Caucasus. You may wish to supplement our regional studies course with intercultural training sessions geared to one or more Central Asian or Caucasian countries.
Intercultural Skills
The Caucasus strikes again! or That’s just typical for Central Asia!: These are the exasperated cries one hears again and again from Western company representatives whose negotiations have stalled, or from despairing development aid workers whose projects are not leading to the expected successes.
Often it is precisely the factors which are “typical” for a given culturally foreign environment that make achieving success there so difficult or even impossible for outsiders. Anybody planning to “jump in at the deep end” in Central Asia or the South Caucasus can benefit considerably from intercultural “flippers” and from solid, grounded training.